QUESTION 1: How can physicians or health practitioners make an accurate diagnosis or recommend effective treatment plans if they don’t test for heavy metals, environmental toxins, EMFs, food additives, bacteria, and the many other things which adversely affect our health?
Answer: They can’t. That is why millions of Americans are now suffering from chronic disease. With advanced, affordable, assessment tools – including bioresonance biofeedback, genomics testing, and ever better intake questionnaires – doctors now have a much better chance of helping their patients determine, and treat, the root causes of their problems. Yet, the FDA is still largely suppressing these technologies – and safer, more effective natural therapies, as well.
QUESTION 2: I feel pretty good and am healthy. Would I still benefit from biofeedback?
Answer: Absolutely. Still, it’s more likely that you are not as healthy as you think. Most people are in average or even poor health, but just don’t know it. Yet. It takes about two years for energetic imbalances ‘fester’ and grow into what we call a disease, and physical symptoms are expressed. How often do we hear of so-called “healthy” individuals having a sudden heart attack, or “suddenly” contracting cancer? It is much harder for this to happen when you regularly work with biofeedback, because these devices are designed to catch and correct imbalances early… before your body begins to express symptoms – or that heart attack hits. In short, bioresonance biofeedback is one of the best foundational tools available to help you stay healthy and alive.
QUESTION 3: Is Biofeedback safe? Are there any side effects?
Answer: It is one of the safest therapies available. As for side effects, the most common one is a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Not too shabby.
QUESTION 4: How can something show up as ACUTE one week, (over 100 and colored ORANGE on your report), and then CHRONIC the next (under 50 and colored BLUE). What does this mean?
Answer: First, we are very dynamic beings and our scores can fluctuate widely. That’s why we are more interested in patterns that show up over time. Now, seeing both colors indicates that it’s a long-term issue that is still reactive from time to time. A long-term reactivity to mercury, from old dental fillings for example, will show up as blue. Being exposed to additional mercury, in seafood or from a pollutant, for example, will push that low reactivity reading of 50 back up into the ‘acute,’ over 100 orange zone.
QUESTION 5: How many sessions does it usually take to restore health? Do I need to do anything other than work with the device?
Answer: Like most other therapies, starting with between 6 and 10 sessions weekly sessions is best. After that, depending on the progress, you can move to bi-weekly or monthly. For maintenance, a monthly session or a remote “Auto Health Support” program is recommended. Biofeedback complements medical care and practically every modality by helping to identify and prioritize the stressors which are affecting you — and account for 80 plus percent of all disease. Plus, these devices can electronically ‘charge’ drinking water during the session so the client can take a custom-made ‘homeopathic’ remedy home with them.
QUESTION 6: Is there anything I can do to make my sessions more productive?
Answer: Yes! Make sure you are well hydrated before and after your session. Also, try to stick to your regular routine the 24 hours preceding your session. In other words, don’t schedule a white-water rafting trip or watch a dramatic or violent television show within a day of your session. It can skew some of your emotional readings. Lastly, talk with your practitioner regarding making lifestyle changes that can help in reducing the effects stress and stressors are having on your health. (Check out this series of YouTube videos about environmental toxins, which Jim Grapek produced.)
QUESTION 7: I have quite a few items that tested in the above 100 and also quite a few in the under-50 category. Is this normal? Do I have that many things wrong with me!?
Answer: If these continually show up over a number of sessions, then it is likely you have a number of imbalances which need to be addressed. Consider that good news, because knowing about these potential causes of health issues is the first step towards clearing them up. Also, we humans are quite resilient, and everyone’s threshold – for pain or toxins or what-have-you – varies considerably. Yet, we are now finding that people have more imbalances, pathogens, and toxins in them than ever before – many even caused by conventional medicine — so it is no surprise that our health is affected.
QUESTION 8: I’m a competitive athlete. Can biofeedback boost my performance?
Answer: Yes! Many sports teams and top athletes – including Serena Williams, Lance Armstrong, and Novak Djokovic, consider these devices an essential part of their training and health regimens. The Eductor and Quest devices also have a number of powerful sports programs built in that are specifically designed to boost athletic performance. Using these devices, the Chinese Olympic Swim Team earned more medals than ever before – which prompted them to buy several thousand devices.
QUESTION 9: Would the biofeedback reports be helpful to share with my primary care doctor?
Answer: It depends on the doctor and practice. Unless a doctor has had some training and experience with biofeedback and energy medicine — which most have not — and the reports have been explained to them, it is unlikely they will even look at them. On the other hand, any doctor or practitioner familiar with bioresonance biofeedback knows they can be very helpful.
QUESTION 10: How quickly can these devices correct my asthma, for example, or other health issues?
Answer: These devices do not – as the FDA likes to remind us — treat, prevent, diagnose, mitigate, or cure, any conditions or diseases. What they do is help YOU heal. They help restore balance in your whole system to bring it back to a place of resiliency – which is really how the healing process works.
QUESTION 11: Vitamin B1 is consistently showing in my reports with low scores (Blue). Does this mean I’m deficient in B1 and should take more?
Answer: Maybe. What it really means is that your reactivity to Vitamin B1 is low for some reason. While it is likely a deficiency, the bigger question, especially if you are supplementing with high quality vitamins, is “Why?” Perhaps you are having trouble assimilating or absorbing B1? Perhaps the vitamin you are taking is not fully bio-available? Or you may also have one or more regulatory dysfunctions that are not allowing your body to properly use the B1. All of these need to be investigated.